The Data Vault Must Flow
Pragmatic guide to Building a Data Vault
Blog Catalogue
Advantage Data Vault 2.0
Highlighting what DV2.0 gives more than any other interpretation of DV
Keywords: Data Vault 2.0
Learning Data Vault is Like Learning How to Make Beer!
All it takes are three or four “things” to start any learning journey, your cognitive load. At the time of writing the article I was learning how to make beer!
Keywords: Beer, Hubs, Links, Satellites, Modelling, Business Process
Data Vault or: how I learnt to stop worrying and love Data Governance
Following an Atomic Space Age theme, a glimpse into Data Vault with DataOps.
Keywords: DataOps, GDPR, CCPA, Data Governance, Satellite Splitting, Auditability
Time to upgrade your thinking on Data Vault
Data Vault is more than just a data modelling methodology, it is designed to change and flex as the business evolves and matures around core business capabilities.
Keywords: Hoshin Kanri, Business Architecture, Business Agility, Data Platform, Information Mapping, OKR, Balanced Scorecard, KPI, Measure, Metrics
Data Vault Recipes
A holistic look at what it means to adopt Data Vault 2.0 methodology, inspired by baking of course!
Keywords: Enterprise Architecture, Solution Architecture, Business Architecture, Business Process, Capability Map, Raw Vault, Business Objects, Business View, Technical Debt, Business Vault, Information Mart, Data Delivery, Data Quality
Data Vault in the industry has two standards, one following the Hans Hultgren method (Ensemble Modelling) and the other follows Dan Linstedt (Data Vault 2.0). Sometimes the terms of the two are confused and to the untrained eye it is difficult to tell who is following which method, which of course adds to the confusion of learning about Data Vault. Ensemble tends to lean towards replacing Kimball, Data Vault 2.0 does not — instead DV2.0 keeps the patterns simple and repeatable.
The art was inspired by “in the land of the blind the one-eyed man is king” proverb.
Keywords: Ensemble Modelling, Data Vault 2.0, Hans Hultgren, Dan Linstedt
Data Vault Elevator Pitch
One’s point of view is usually biased toward their own interests, and it is the same when you pitch a Data Vault to different professions within a business.
Keywords: Agility, Agnostic, Automation, Auditability
Data Vault Dream Team
Ideas on how to get a Data Vault project started and build momentum
Keywords: Team, Community of Practice, DVBoK, Consulting
Building Data Vault modelling capability through the Mob
How to go about modelling your Data Vault through collaboration and having the right people in the right place. Inspired by work done at a major customer and extreme programming principles
Keywords: Modelling
Bring out your Dead… Data
The first DV article on consideration on what to do with defunct data! Inspired by Pet Semetary, Poltergeist and the Sixth Sense!
Keywords: deprecated data, GDPR, freshness, observability
Data Vault Industry Verticals
An outcome of a Data Vault model review, this article explains some of the pitfalls of attempting to conform a data vault to an industry model. Art inspired by Sim City.
Keywords: Dependent-Child Key, Standards, Business Key, Industry Model
Data Vault Loader Traps
Articulating some of the pitfalls of not doing a Data Vault properly!
Keywords: Satellites, Multi-table insert, Semi-structure function, Hashing
Decided to build your own Data Vault automation tool?
Based on experience building a home-grown Data Vault automation tool, this post covers most of the patterns you will encounter in a Data Vault 2.0 model, with examples!
Keywords: Mapping, modelling
Data Vault 2.0 on Snowflake…To hash or not to hash… that is the question
To hash or not to hash on Snowflake…? An article justifying why you should and how Snowflake’s MPP interpretation can still be used to deliver a Data Vault. Any guess to whom that is in the title page?
Keywords: PIT, Point in Time, OLAP, Snowflake, MPP, Massively Parallel Platform, hashing, zone maps
Evidence on how PIT tables (when designed right) take advantage of inherent OLAP capabilities for querying facts and dimensions. Inspired by 12 Angry Men and Juror #8.
Keywords: Raw Vault, Query Assistance, Hashing, PIT, Point in Time, Sequence Number PIT, equijoin, right-deep-join-tree, sequence key, OLAP, Information Mart, Business Vault, Clustering
Data Vault Test Automation
Reconciliation between staged and target and between target tables is a must. This test framework is designed to keep the data vault implementation honest, and it is insert-only as well.
Keywords: Reconciliation, Test Automation, Hubs, links and satellites, staging, business keys, unit of work
Data Vault Dashboard Monitoring
How to set up and track Data Vault dashboard reporting based out of Snowsight and the same INSERT-ONLY paradigm of DV2.0
Keywords: Snowsight, Test Framework, Automated Testing, Auditability, Dashboards
Data Vault PIT Flow Manifold.
A little bit of Snowflake engineering in Conditional Multi-Table INSERTS and Point in Time (PIT) tables. Images inspired by the dozens of online manuals I read when trying to fix my lawnmower or motorcycle!
Keywords: Point in time, PIT, as_of, Conditional Multi-Table Insert, Snowflake
The Lost Art of Building Bridges
Where to use Bridge Tables and what problems do they solve?
Keywords: Bridge table, query assistance
Data Vault’s XTS pattern on Snowflake
Solving Time Crime in Data Vault, using Snowflake. How does the timeline correction pattern perform on Snowflake?
Keywords: Snowflake, Extended Record Tracking Satellite, XTS
Data Vault Agility on Snowflake
Partly inspired by Tron! Some practical consideration for deploying a Data Vault on Snowflake and taking advantage of some little-known nuances of the platform.
Keywords: Testing, Data Quality, Business Architecture, Source-System Data Vault, Passive Integration, Multi-tenancy
Kappa Vault
Ease of use of Snowflake for Data Vault streaming pipelines, how the loading patterns have changed.
Keywords: Data Pipelines, Streaming, Streams & Tasks
You might be doing #datavault Wrong!
A long list of considerations when building your Data Vault, what to do, and not to do! Inspired by… people doing it wrong!
Keywords: business architecture, enterprise architecture, business objects, raw vault, business processes, automation, passive integration
Seven Deadly Sins of Fake Vault
Born out of observing Data Vault implementation seen in the wild that do not follow the standards, DV2 practitioners have seen various unguided interpretations; these are the main sins we see in the industry
Theme and images inspired by Seven and Milton
Keywords: Business Vault, Unit of Work, Auditability, Dependent-Child Keys, Weak Hubs, Source System Data Vault, Business Key Collision Code, Staggered Load, Sequence Key, Link Satellite, Satellite Splitting, Refactor, Schema Evolution
Data Vault Mysteries… Business Vault
Just what is a Business Vault and why is its creation a mystery, it really shouldn’t be if you follow the standards!
Theme based on 1950s culture and story telling
Keywords: Business Vault, Raw Vault, Business Key, Unit of Work, Business Process, Change Record, Derived Content, PITs and Bridges, Point in Time, PIT, Bridge, Information Mart
Is it Business Vault or is it not?
An often-foggy area of Data Vault is how to define a Business Vault, here is some guidance
Keywords: Business Vault, Raw Vault, Business Process, Business Rules, PITs and Bridges, Information Marts, Auditability
Apache Spark GraphX and the Seven Bridges of Königsberg
An example of building a Business Vault Link but using Big Data (Spark + Parquet) to get there. Theme inspired by the story of Euler and the origins of Graph theory.
Keywords: Business Vault, Spark, Big Data, Graph, Link, Graphx, Pregel, Euler
Business and Source-System Unit of Work
Why complexity should be hidden from the business user and solved in the data vault
Keywords: Business Vault Link
Data Vault Mysteries… Effectivity Satellite and Driver Key
Just what does the Effectivity Satellite solve? And why do you need to define a driving key for it?
Effectivity Satellites are designed to deal with a gap in Data Vault modelling that there is no other way to solve.
Keywords: Effectivity Satellite, Driving Key, relationship, link, unit of work
The Link between Effectivity Satellites and Driver Keys.
Revisiting the explanation of Driver Keys and Effectivity Satellites
Keywords: Effectivity Satellite, Driving Key, relationship, link, unit of work
The Different Grains of Multi-Active Records.
Drawing the line between dependent child key satellites and multi-active satellites.
Keywords: Dependent-child key, multi-active
Simple PIT table Constructs
Setting the record straight on why PIT tables are useful
Keywords: Point in time, PIT, Logarithmic, Managed Windows, Tumbling Windows
Data Vault Mysteries… Zero Keys & Ghost Records
DV2.0 has a few esoteric concepts, this article describes the difference between default keys, ghost records and zero keys
Keywords: ghost records, point in time, pit, zero keys, nulls, default keys
Say NO to Refactoring Data Models!
Facing the same problems every data platform face is the challenge of making changes without regression testing and escalating costs. Sticking to the Data Vault 2.0 patterns rises to that challenge by promoting data agility.
Keywords: Refactor, Business Key, Kimball, Inmon, Patterns, Schema Evolution, Schema Drift, Extended Record Tracking Satellite, XTS, Time Crime
Data Vault Naming Standards
Theory behind what naming standards should look like
Keywords: Naming standards
A Rose by any other name… Wait.. is it still the same Rose?
Initially this article was released on Valentine’s Day, it delves into Passive Integration and Business Key Collision Codes by way of an example.
Keywords: Business Key Collision Code, BKCC, Passive
The Data Vault Guru: a pragmatic guide on building a data vault
A summary of what is in the book.
Keywords: Book
Data Vault has a new Hero
Originally titled “Solving Time Crime in Data Vault 2.0”; this article delves into how to deal with batch data that arrives out of sequence; this is an authorised extension of the DV2.0 standards called the eXtended Record Tracking Satellite (XTS). A data driven approach to dynamically enable the DV model to self-heal.
Keywords: XTS, Extended Record Tracking Satellite, Timeline Correction, Self-Heal, Applied Date
Data Vault solves Time-Crime
Keywords: XTS, Extended Record Tracking Satellite, Timeline Correction, Self-Heal, Applied Date
How I can get away without paying the Pied Piper… in Data Vault 2.0
What you learn on DV2.0 training is that a Data Vault model is not easy to query, to make it easier and to support your Information Models you build Point-in-Time and/or Bridge tables but the expense of querying the data vault is pushed to the creation of the PIT tables themselves. But what if you don’t have to?
Keywords: PIT, Point in Time, Ghost Record
Business Key Treatments
What do you do when a source provides business keys that don’t quite follow the standard business key assignment best practices? An approach to ensure passive integration without sacrificing automation.
Keywords: Business Key, Business Key Treatment, Passive Integration, Hub, Hashing
What does dbt give you?
A gloss over dbt and its power of transformation
Keywords: dbt, integration
Passive integration explained…
Another take on explaining passive integration
Keywords: Passive Integration
Ep1: Immutable Store, Virtual End-Dates
Why Snowflake is well suited for Data Vault
Keywords: Snowflake, virtual end-dates, micro-partitions, devops
Ep2: Snowsight dashboards for Data Vault
Using Snowsight for Data Observability over a Data Vault
Keywords: Snowsight, Test Automation
Ep3: Point-in-Time constructs & Join Trees
How to build PIT tables tosolve getting data out of a Data Vault
Keywords: Point-in-Time, PIT, Join Tree, Right Deep Join Tree
Ep4: Querying really BIG satellite tables
A look at how to use Dynamic Pruning to solve querying of really big satellite tables
Keywords: BIG Satellite, Dynamic Pruning, Static Pruning
Ep5: Streams & Tasks on Views
Animated version of Kappa Vault
Keywords: Streams on Views, Streams & Tasks, Set & Forget
Ep6: Conditional Multi-Table INSERT, and where to use it
Another look at building PIT Flow Manifold
Keywords: PIT, Manifold, Query Assistance
Ep7: Row Access Policies + Multi-Tenancy
How to combine multi-tenancy in Data Vault with Row Access Policies
Keywords: RAP, Row Access Policy, Multi-tenancy
Ep8: Hub locking on Snowflake
An interactive look at hub table locking in Snowflake, transaction isolation levels
Keywords: Transaction isolation, READ committed, hub locking
Ep10: Virtual Warehouses & Charge Back
An approach on how to deploy your data architecture to suite Data Vault and a Charge-back model
Keywords: Chargeback, virtual warehouse, resource monitor, data architecture
Ep9: Out-of-sequence data
How do you handle data that arrives out of sequence dynamically and without needing to replay your loads?
Keywords: Out of sequence, extended record tracking satellite
[BONUS]: Handling Semi-Structured Data
An easy framework for handling semi-structured data in data vault on Snowflake
Keywords: Semi-structured, streaming, business vault
[BONUS] Episode 12: Feature Engineering & Business Vault
How Data Vault can support with Data Science
Keywords: Feature Store, Machine Learning, Business Vault
Episode 13: Join Key Data Types
Performance focus, join key types as hash keys, natural keys and temporal sequence ids
Keywords: Hash key, Natural Key, Sequence Key
Episode 14: Snapshot PIT Tables
Performance focus, join key types as hash keys, natural keys and temporal sequence ids in snapshot PIT tables
Keywords: PIT Snapshot, Right Deep Join Tree
Episode 15: Incremental PIT Tables
Performance focus, join key types as hash keys, natural keys and temporal sequence ids in incremental PIT tables, and merge PIT tables
Keywords: Incremental PIT, Merge PIT
Episode 16: Information Marts
Performance focus, join key types as hash keys, natural keys and temporal sequence ids in information marts
Keywords: Information Mart, Ghost Skew, Pearsons
Episode 17: Expanding to Dimensional Models
Detour — dimensional modelling with data vault by simulating facts and dimensions using Data Vault native tables.
Keywords: Dimensional Modelling, Facts, Bridge Table
Episode 18: Dynamic Tables
Where do Dynamic Tables fit into the Data Vault architecture?
Keywords: Dynamic Tables, Streaming, CQRS, Command & Query Responsibility Segregation
Episode 19: Hybrid Satellite Tables = Operational Data Vault
What do you get when you mix Data Vault and HTAP? Hybrid Satellites!
Keywords: Hybrid Tables
Episode 20: Archival, Deletion, Retention, Policies, Storage Tiering
Storage Tiering and Data Vault
Keywords: Storage Tiering, Archival, Retention
Episode 21: Data Vault on Snowflake and Apache Iceberg
What it means to use Apache Iceberg for your Data Vault
Keywords: Apache Iceberg, Data Lakehouse, Data Lake
Episode 22: a Classification & Tagging Framework
How does data classification impact your data architecture and data model
Keywords: Classification, Tagging
Episode 23: Amping up on Data Vault knowledge
Snowflake LLMs read my book!
Keywords: Large Language Models, Streamlit, Notebooks, Generative AI, GenAI, Cortex
Episode 24: How to Twine on Snowflake
Using SQL merge techniques where appropriate for streaming data
Keywords: Streaming, Twine, ASOF
Episode 25: …and the other 80% of the world’s data
How to process unstructured data using DocumentAI
Keywords: DocumentAI
Snowflake, the Data Cloud
What’s in the box? Simplifying the concepts to your cognitive loads makes learning Snowflake so much more easier, and that’s the aim of this article.
Keywords: Snowflake architecture
Snowflake, the Cloud Data Platform (2023)
What’s in the box now in 2023?
Keywords: Snowflake architecture
Snowflake, the Data Cloud (2024)
What’s in the box now in 2024?
Keywords: Snowflake architecture
Data Vault and Domain Driven Design
Delve into DDD and DV, a corner stone of Data Mesh.
Keywords: Data Mesh, Domain Driven Design, DDD
Data Vault as a Product
Expanding on DDD with Data Products through a DV, another Data Mesh concept.
Keywords: Data Mesh, Domain Driven Design, DDD
Data Vault and and Domain Oriented Architecture
Architecture patterns for Data Mesh and Data Vault.
Keywords: Data Mesh, Domain Driven Design, DDD
Data Vault semantics & ontologies
Final blog in this series, linking Data Vault to the Semantic Layer and Domain Ontologies.
Keywords: Data Vault, Domain Ontologies
Data Vault and Analytics Maturity
Bonus blog discussing Data Vault and other methods for framing and modelling data.
Keywords: Kimball, Inmon, Framework, DCAM, DAMA, DMBoK
Data Vault is not a Monolith
Describing why an enterprise data vault model is not a monolith
Keywords: Kimball, Inmon, Data Mesh
The OBT Fallacy & Popcorn Analytics
Why the rigour of data modelling is still required
Keywords: Data Contracts, Data Vault
Business Vault & Activity Schema
A repeatable pattern for Event data as Activities
Keywords: Streaming, Event Data, Activity Schema
Data Vault + Supernova on Snowflake
How to denormalise Data Vault in a repeatable pattern
Keywords: Denormalizing, Supernova
Rules for an almost unbreakable Data Vault
How to not build a legacy data vault
Keywords: DevOps, Testing, Product Owner
More Rules for an (almost) unbreakable Data Vault
Four more rules for your data platform built to change and therefore built to last
Keywords: DevOps, Testing, Product Owner
the Modern Data Vault Stack
A repeatable, robust, reliable data architecture built with intent
Keywords: Modern Data Stack
What is the Shape of your Data?
Expanding the test framework with running stats cheaply on Snowflake
Keywords: Test framework, Snowsight Dashboards
Middle out your Data Strategy on Data Vault and Apache Iceberg
Data Lakehouse, yea a Data Vault lives there.
Keywords: Apache Iceberg, Apache Polaris, Lakehouse, Data Cloud
Does Data Vault have a Rorschach Problem?
Why is there consternation, failed implementations when it comes to data vault?
Keywords: Ensemble, Data Vault 2.0
Snowflake Data Clean Room
Keywords: Data Clean Room
Snowflake Data Clean Room (Native App)
Keywords: Data Clean Room
Book 1: the data vault guru
a pragmatic guide on building a data vault
The data vault methodology presents a unique opportunity to model the enterprise data warehouse using the same automation principles applicable in today’s software delivery, continuous integration, continuous delivery and continuous deployment while still maintaining the standards expected for governing a corporation’s most valuable asset: data. This book provides at first the landscape of a modern architecture and then as a thorough guide on how to deliver a data model that flexes as the enterprise flexes, the data vault. Whether the data is structured, semi-structured or even unstructured one thing is clear, there is always a model either applied early (schema-on-write) or applied late (schema-on-read). Today’s focus on data governance requires that we know what we retain about our customers, the data vault provides that focus by delivering a methodology focused on all aspects about the customer and provides some of the best practices for modern day data compliance.
The book will delve into every data vault modelling artefact, its automation with sample code, raw vault, business vault, testing framework, a build framework, sample data vault models, how to build automation patterns on top of a data vault and even offer an extension of data vault that provides automated timeline correction, not to mention variation of data vault designed to provide audit trails, metadata control and integration with agile delivery tools.
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- Merging Data Vault and Medallion Architecture Patterns,
- Data Mesh & Data Vault on Snowflake 2024,,
- DataEngBytes 2024 —
- Keynote Speaker at Data Vault UK 2024,
- Going DAGless with Business Vault and Activity Schema,,
- Snowflake Summit 2024 presentation, “Data Mesh and Data Vault on Snowflake with Xero Effort”,
- Snowflake, the Data Cloud,, and
- Demystifying Data Vault with dbt — Coalesce 2023,
- DataEngBytes 2023 — Data Vault Engineering,
- Github —
- Data Vault UK Interview —
- Data Vault UK Presentation —
- Data Vault Munich Presentation —
- Keynote Speaker at Data Vault UK 2023,
- Meet the Expert: Data Vault —
- Snowflake Data Vault User Group: DataOps —
- DataVault Interview —
- Integrating SAS and Data Vault,
- Data Mapping,,
- 3 Ways to load data into SQL Server MDS,
- My Hash of Hashes,
- SAS indexing tricks,
- SAS Parallelism,
- SAS SQL vs Data Step part 3,
- SAS SQL Join vs Data Step Merge part 2,
- SAS Hash Tables,
- SAS Data Step Merge vs SQL Joins,