Patrick CubainThe Modern ScientistData Vault in Snowflake: Amp it up on Data Vault knowledgeAccording to Gartner’s hype-cycle for AI 2024, Generative AI (GenAI) sits on the “Peak of inflated expectations”, which Gartner describes…Sep 10Sep 10
Patrick CubainThe Modern ScientistData Vault on Snowflake: How to Twine on SnowflakeTo begin with, what do we mean by twine? In the data modelling community, we refer to twine as the technique to intertwine two or more…Aug 27Aug 27
Patrick CubainThe Modern ScientistData Vault on Snowflake: a Classification & Tagging FrameworkA common challenge in modelling any data is identifying what (if any) data needs to be highly protected, confidential or private and what…Aug 13Aug 13
Patrick CubainThe Modern ScientistData Vault on Snowflake and Apache IcebergA good data vault model is a data model that reflects the business architecture by accurately representing business objects as defined by…Jul 30Jul 30
Patrick CubainThe Modern ScientistMore Rules for an (almost) unbreakable Data VaultBuilding on the foundation of “Rules for an almost (unbreakable) Data Vault” we expand the list with four more rules to establish…Jul 161Jul 161
Patrick CubainThe Modern ScientistData Vault on Snowflake: Data Retention & Storage TieringA common need in a modern data platform is to appropriately manage data retention as data ages and follow the established data governance…Jun 25Jun 25
Patrick CubainThe Modern ScientistOperational Data Vault on Snowflake: Hybrid Satellite TablesReal-time applications require update and retrieval table latency in the tens of milli-seconds range; Snowflake traditional tables do not…May 7May 7
Patrick CubainThe Modern ScientistWhat is the Shape of your Data?… and why is it important.Apr 9Apr 9